Image Acquisition and Overlap

Image capture

Depending on the type of object/scene and the type of camera used, the following acquisition patterns are used:

Type of Scene

Image Acquisition


Circular acquisition around the object

Flat surface

Regular grid acquisition


Panoramic acquisition along corridor

3D information is extracted from overlapping images based on the stereoscopic effect. In SURE, Dense Image Matching is used to determine which pixels from each stereo pair represent the same point in 3D space. High image overlap enables the generation of the 3D point cloud based on Multi-Stereo Triangulation, which increases the reliability of the points generated. Thus, the final surface quality is not only influenced by the orientation data quality but also by the number of overlapping images and their similarity.

We strongly recommend that every point on the surface of interest is observed by 5 images or more (minimum 3 images). Furthermore, images should be taken at a similar image scale and thus images should be captured at similar distance to the object.

For details on image overlap of Aerial images, please see the Nadir Image Overlap page (also useful for Oblique imagery).


In SURE, the following  Scenario Presets are available:


Image Capture Configuration


Irregular and unknown image distributions

Aerial Oblique

Regular airborne grid acquisitions with “Maltese cross” configuration systems

Aerial Nadir

Regular airborne grid acquisitions in Nadir configuration

For the latter two scenarios, the regular structure is exploited in order to identify a minimum set of stereo models. 

Further Reading