Quick Start

  1. Get in touch with info@nframes.com for the SURE download link

  2. Download the Dortmund sample data-set.
    Unzip the contents of the file on a disk/partition with considerable disk space available (minimum 1TB).

  3. Create a new project using the project wizard

 Project wizard steps...
  1. In the menu, click on File and then New Project.

2. In the project creation wizard:

  1. Set the project name to Dortmund_True_Ortho.

  2. Set the project location to a folder within a disk/partition with considerable disk space available (minimum 1TB).

  3. Click next.

3. Use the file dialog that pops up after clicking on the browse button for locating the orientation file within the extracted demo data-set folder. Do the same with the images.

4. Select the Aerial Nadir scenario from the scenario preset dropdown. This automatically activates the production of the True Ortho.

a. Set the forward overlap to 80, and the sideward overlap to 60.

b. Click Next and then Finish.

4. Start the processing and wait until its completion.

5. Inspect the results by double-clicking on the results panel.