Standalone Modules

The standalone modules provide an efficient way for scripting custom workflows. After finishing a project's Analysis and Dense Matching stage using either the SURE CLI or GUI, the modules can be employed to subsequently run the individual 2.5D and/or 3D pipeline processes.

Overview, prerequisites & parametrization


Parametrization / control file


controlArea.txt / controlDsm.txt


controlArea.txt / controlTrueOrtho.txt


controlArea.txt / controlDsmMesh.txt


controlArea.txt / controlFusion.txt


controlArea.txt / control3DMesh.txt


controlArea.txt / controlMeshTexturing.txt


Each module executable comes with built-in information about inputs, outputs, and parametrization, available by passing the "help" flag as follows:

Built-in help text
PS C:\Users\nFrames> ModuleDsm.exe -h
Command Line Parameters:
  -h [ --help ]                         Print help screen
  -v [ --version ]                      Print version and license details
  --log arg (="log.txt")                Path to logfile.
  --output arg (=".")                   Path to output folder.
  --area arg (="Internal\Control_Files\controlArea.txt")
                                        Path to controlArea.txt area file.
  --controlfile arg (="Internal\Control_Files\controlDsm.txt")
                                        Path to controlDsm.txt control file.
  --gsd arg                             Value for ground sampling distance.
  --point-cloud-raw arg (="Internal\Lists\point_cloud_raw_list.txt")
                                        Path to raw point cloud (.las/.laz) or
                                        mesh (.osgb) list, file or folder.
  --lidar-clouds arg                    Path to LiDAR point cloud (.las/.laz)
                                        list, file or folder.
  --no-lidar-clouds                     Disable usage of LiDAR data (modifies
  --waterbody-shapefile arg             Path shapefile for waterbody surface.
  --correction-shapefile arg            Path shapefile for correction surface.
  --dsm-required-points-per-cell arg    Set DSM required points per cell

The modules take automatically default values for some parameters. The default values of these parameters are designed for calling the Module application inside the Project Folder, according to its structure.

The most important parameters, for example the GSD used during DSM generation, will be available directly from the module's command line interface options. More advanced configuration will be possible only in the respective control files. It is highly recommended to consult the nFrames Customer Success team, before adopting any change in the control files.