2.5D Tool

SURE includes a  2.5D workflow that integrates algorithms designed specifically for airborne mapping applications.

These algorithms include a point cloud rasterization step (DSM), an algorithm dedicated to the production-scale generation of true orthophotos, and an efficient algorithm for the creation of a textured mesh surface based on the digital surface model, automatically generated in multiple levels of detail.

The 2.5D tool has been created to be able to use the single modules contained within the SURE workflow separately enabling the user to choose the input data more freely which will be used to generate the desired resources.

LiDAR data can be imported by giving the LiDAR_cloudlist.txt path in the corresponding input field. This step is needed in case the user would like to generate a DSM/DSM Mesh/TrueOrtho from both DIM data & LiDAR data.

For a tutorial, see 2.5D Tool for custom workflows.

Basic Usage


The processing with the SURE 2.5D Tool is independent of the regular SURE Project.

This entails the following consequences:

  • If parameters used in the 2.5D panel have been imported from a SURE Project, modifications will not be stored in the original project.

  • Processing single modules does not affect their processing status within the original project.

  • When choosing the same output folder as the original project, data will be overwritten.


Parameters can be loaded in two ways:

  • When opening the 2.5D panel from within SURE, the settings in the current project can be automatically applied to the SURE 2.5D Tool

  • From the File menu, parameter sets can be loaded by opening SURE project files - to apply all relevant parameters contained in the SURE project

Input Orientation

Input orientation data can be provided as:

  • A directory that only contains orientation files

  • List file containing paths to orientation files (e.g. orientation_list.txt)

Note: For this tool, only the native SURE .ori file format can be used.

Input Images

Input imagery can be provided as:

  • A directory that only contains image files (supported file formats, see: Output formats)

  • List file containing paths to image files (e.g. image_color_list.txt )


 The number of provided orientation and image files must be the same.

Output Folder

Path to the Output folder directory where the 2.5D Workflow data will be stored.

Input Cloud

3D cloud input data can be provided as:

  • List file containing paths to cloud data files (e.g. point_cloud_raw_list.txt)

  • Single cloud file

  • The directory containing point cloud .las / .laz files

For a list of supported point cloud formats see: Output formats.

Alternatively to point clouds, 2.5D / 3D Input Meshes can also be provided as input in this field:

  • List file containing paths to mesh tiles (e.g. dsm_mesh_untextured_list.txt)

  • Single mesh main tiles

The input meshes have to be in the .osgb format.

LiDAR Cloud

LiDAR cloud input data can be provided as:

  • List file containing paths to LiDAR cloud data files (e.g. lidar_cloudlist.txt)

  • Single LiDAR .las cloud file

  • A directory containing LiDAR las (laz) files.

Correction Shapefile

3D Shapefiles that will be used to correct the DSM.





Input Orientation


Input Images


Input Cloud or Meshes


LiDAR Cloud


Correction Shapefile


The primary output data of the module are:

Output resources


DSM images


DSM pointcloud


True Ortho



Input Orientation


Input Images


Input Cloud or Meshes


LiDAR Cloud


Correction Shapefile


True Ortho generation requires a DSM as input according to the SURE standard. As a consequence, the DSM is always carried out on the selected Input Cloud data before the actual True Ortho processing starts.

Primary output resources of the module are:

Output resources


True Ortho images


DSM Mesh



Input Orientation


Input Images


Input Cloud or Meshes


LiDAR Cloud


Correction Shapefile


DSM Mesh generation requires a DSM as input according to the SURE standard. As a consequence, the DSM is always carried out on the selected Input Cloud data before the actual DSM Mesh processing starts.

Primary output resources of the module are:

Output resources


DSM Mesh
